Monday, January 3, 2011

Web Lesson: Cloning in Focus
Genetic Science Learning Center

Open the link and view each of the sections under "Cloning in Focus". For each section, answer the question.

What is Cloning?

1. Who is Dolly?
Dolly is a sheep that was cloned. She was the first mammal to be cloned, and ended up dying a premature death.

2. When a zygote divides into to separate cells, it is called?

3. Somatic cells are also called:
Germ cells

4. In order to clone a gene, a gene is inserted into a:
It is inserted into a cloning vector

5. In order to create an embryo from a somatic cell, the donor egg cell must have its nucleus removed.

Click and Clone

6. List all the materials needed to clone a mouse.
Mouse to be cloned
Egg Donor Mouse
Surrogate Mother Mouse
Petri Dishes
Sharp Pipette
Blunt Pipitte
Chemical to Stimulate Cell Division

7. Place the following steps in the correct order.

___4_____Stimulate cell division
___6_____Deliver baby
___2_____ Remove and discard the nucleus from the egg cell
___1_____ Isolate donor cells from egg donor and germ cell donor
___3_____ Transfer the somatic cell nucleus into the egg cell
___5_____ Implant embryo into a surrogate mother

8. There are two time gaps in the process of cloning. What are they? (ie. what do you have toProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

oxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

ait for?)
1. You need to wait for the new DNA and egg cells to adjust with each other.
2. When the cells are dividing

9. What color with the cloned mouse be?
The mouse will be brown
What is the name of this mouse?
Her name is mini-Mimi

Why Clone?

10. Why is cloning extinct animals problematic?
Sometimes the cloned animal will become smarter. It is also hard to preserve the DNA for that long to actually clone.

11. What are some reasons a person might want to clone a human?
A person might want to clone a human for many reasons. The person may have desirable traits that another person may want to keep alive. People also may want to clone so an infertile couple could have a child or to replace a deceased child. 

The Clone Zone

12. What animal was cloned in 1885? Sea Urchins

13. How did Spemann separate the two cells of the embryo of a salamander in 1902?
Spermann separated the  two cells of the embryo by tying it with baby hair, and then gradually tightening the pressure until they split.

14. The process of removing a nucleus is called:

15. In 1952, the nucleus of a early tadpole embryo cell was placed into a donor cell. Did it work to clone the animal? Frog

16. Can the nucleus of an adult cell be injected into an egg cell and produce a clone? It can, but it is more successful using younger cells.

17. Why are mammals hard to clone? ______________________________________________

18. What were the names of the first two cloned cows? Fusion and Copy

19. In what year was the National Bioethics Advisory Council formed? 1995

20. The first mammal clone to be produced from an adult (somatic) cell?
Dolly (Sheep)

21. What do scientists do to adult cells to make them "behave" like embryos?
Scientists re-boot, or restart the genetic code so they behave like embryos.

22. Transgenic, cloned sheep were used to produce what medical protein?
They produced factor IX, which is the blood clotting gene, to treat people with hemophilia.

23. What is a stem cell? Early embryos are composed of stem cells, which have the potential to become any cell.

Cloning Myths

24. Briefly describe in your own words, why CC the cat was not identical in color to Rainbow, even though she was a clone/
The cats were not identical because of a gene on the X chromosome. The X chromosome has a gene for two colors on it, and Rainbow had the gene "turned off" on the X chromosome, causing her to be a different color.

25. What is "nature vs nurture"?
Nature vs. Nurture is the fact that humans are brought up in an environment that could change their personality and genes. It is a common argument among scientists over which one is more important. For example, identical twins have the same genetic code but look slightly different and can have completely different personalities because of how they were raised.

Is it Cloning or Not?

26. For each of the following scenarios, indicate YES (it is cloning) or NO (it is not cloning)

____Not_______Sperm taken from a mole goat is combined with a female's egg in a petri dish. The resulting embryo is implanted into the female's uterus to develop
____Yes_______A sheep embryo, composed of 16 cells, is removed from the mother's uterus and separated into indivudal cells. Each cell is allowed to multiply, creating 16 separate embryos, which are then implanted in different female sheep to develop to maturity.
____Not_______A cow with many desirable traits is stimulated with hormones to produce a number of egg cells. Each of these eggs is fertilized and implanted into a surrogate mother.
____Not_______ In vitro fertilization
____Yes_______ Cell nuclei from an extinct wolly mammoth are placed into enucleated cow cells.

27. Define or describe each of the following processes (you may need to reset the Cloning or Not Screen)

Invitro fertilization: When the embryo is created by the fusion of the male's sperm and the female's egg, and then being inserted back into the female.

Embryo splitting: When an embryo is split into two embryos

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: When the nucleus of one egg is taken out, and another organism's nucleus is inserted to allow it to multiply into embryos.

Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer: When eggs from a organism with desirable traits are placed into donor mothers to carry the new organism.

Artificial Insemination: When sperm is used to impregnate a female for selective breeding purposes.

What Are the Risks of Cloning?

28. What is one reason why cloning animals has such a high failure rate?
An egg with a newly transferred nucleus may not begin to divide or develop properly

29. What is a telomere and how does it affect cloned animals?
A telomere is a region of repeated DNA in the end of the chromosome. It is often shorter in cloned animals.

What Are Some Issues in Cloning?

30. Pick one of the questions to ponder and ....ponder it. Write a brief essay on your thoughts and opinions.
"What are some social challenges a cloned child might face?"

 A cloned child would face a lot of social challenges. At home, the child would have problems with figuring out who is who in his or her family. If say, she, was a clone of her mother, her mother would be more like her sister, and her grandmother would be more like her mother. Due to looking like her "mother", people could mistake them for each other. The child may have identity issues if they doubt that they really are their own person because of sharing a genetic code with someone else. Also, the child may feel like the parents didn't really want him/her, they wanted another copy of the mother/father. 
  At school, a cloned child could also face social challenges. He/she may be teased for being a clone, and some children may not understand about the whole cloning process. Other kids might look at the cloned child like he wasn't really a normal child, almost like he/she was an alien. Ridicule also might come from the fact that the child would look just like another family member. If a sibling was cloned, the child (the sibling's clone) may just be looked at as a mini-me. Overall, there would be many social challenges for a cloned child to deal with, maybe more than the child could handle.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

GM Crops

Harvest of Fear

Should we Grow GM Crops?

1. What is a GM Crop.
GM crops are genetically modified crops. There are GM products in most of the food we eat.

2. List 2 arguments FOR the growing of GM crops
GM crops will be healthier, have a longer shelf life, and will be safer to eat. Some scientists say that genetically engineered crops will take over regular crops. Farmers usually produce genetically engineered crops without using pesticides.
Genetically engineered food would also be helpful to poor, hungry countries all over the world. Scientists would genetically engineer crops with more vitamins and minerals that people need to help malnourished countries,

3. List 2 arguments AGAINST the growing of GM crops.
Genetically engineered crops will take over small farmers. Genetically engineered crops may be too expensive for small farmers, and they may be forced off their land so it could be used by the larger farmers growing genetically engineered crops.
People feel like genetically modifying organisms go against nature.

Engineer a Crop

4. Practice this simulation until you get the largest ears of corn. How many times did it take you?
It took me two times to get the largest ears of corn

What’s for Dinner?

5. List two foods and desribe how they are being modified.
Pizza: For many of the ingredients in pizza scientists are trying genetically engineered versions of them. The cheese, wheat, green peppers, onions, and tomatoes may be genetically modified. They are modifying rennet, a dried extract used in cheese, so that cheese is more easily digestible and produce more cheese. They are modifying green peppers, onions and tomatoes so that they have a longer shelf life, resist pests, and survive droughts.

Bananas: Bananas are being modified to serve as a host of diseases for an edible vaccine. They are using bananas as an edible vaccine because they are indigenous to many countries and their skin provides a sterile barrier against contamination.


*Read the article titled “Are GM Food Sufficiently Regulated in the US?”

Do you think food should be labeled if it has been genetically modified? Why or Why not?
Genetically modified food should be labeled. People have the right to know what they are eating. People need labels for nutritional reasons, and if people want to not buy and support genetically modified foods then they should at least know what they are.


Finished? Go to and type "genetic engineering" in the search field. Browse some of the sites that pop up.

(Yahooligans is better than yahoo, the sites tend to be picked for education rather than for scientists and universities, you'll find more understandable and interesting sites on yahooligans than you will with Yahoo)

Write down any of the sites you visited below.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Visit the learn.genetics website and visit each of the following sections on the epigenome.  Record your information in your genetics reflection blog.
   1. Often, the physical characteristics of genetically identical twins become increasingly different as they age, even at the molecular level. Explain why this is so. (use the terms "environment" and "epigenome")
Physical characteristics of twins become very different over time because they are exposed to different environmental factors. If one twin ate healthier than the other, then that would leave a different epigenetic tag then the twin that ate more junk food. The epigenome changes between the twins, so by the time they are old, they have very different epigenetic patterns. 
   2. Name 3-4 environmental factors that influence the epigenome.
Factors that influence the genome are: exercise, diet, toxins, and stress. All of these factors are introduced in our daily lives. 
   3. What is an imprinted gene?
An imprinted gene is an epigenetic tag that is passed on to the offspring. 

1. Discuss factors in your daily life (ie. Diet, exercise, stress etc.) that could be affecting your epigenome
Diet could be changing my epigenome, because  I don't eat a lot of vegetables. I do get a lot of exercise, which changes the way I look and my body type, which is signaled by my genes. Stress could also be changing my epigenome. When I get stressed it takes a toll on how I feel. Finally, toxins could be influencing my epigenome, such as polution from cars, second hand smoke, and industrial waste. When these travel through the air they can cause allergies and trigger asthma.
   1. Explain how a high-nurturing mother rat shapes her pup's epigenome, and what that pup's response to stress will be.
A high-nurturing mother rat shapes the pup's epigenome by licking it constantly. When the mother licks and grooms the baby rat more, the GR gene becomes more active, making the pup have an easier time with recovering from stress. The gene will most likely stay the same throughout the rat's life.
   2. In rats, does licking by the mother activate, or deactivate her pup's GR gene?
It activates the GR gene. That means that the pup will have an easier time to relax after it gets stressed.
   3. Explain how cortisol and the GR protein work together in the brain to relax a rat pup. You may draw a diagram.

When the cortisol travels to the hippocampus (area of the brain) it binds with the GR proteins to help the rat get less stressed and recover from the stress more quickly.
4. The rat nurturing example shows us how parental behavior can shape the behavior of their offspring on a biochemical level. Relate this to humans and think about the personal and social implications. Record your thoughts.
Mothers who care for their children in a more nurturing way shapes how the children grow up. If you grow up in a very stressed household, you are more likely to become stressed. Children learn from their parent's behaviors and replicate them. It can also be a little like a cycle of violence. Abused children are more likely to be bullies in school and get involved with drinking and drugs when they get older.
   1. Explain how the food we eat affects gene expression.
The nutrients we extract from food can enter our metabolic system and are changed into molecules we can use. They are turned into methyl groups along a pathway. When chemicals and additives from the food enter the body, they can change the epigenome. 
   2. Can the diets of parents affect their offspring's epigenome?
Yes. During early development, what the mother eats can affect the offspring for the rest of its life. Studies show that a mother with a methyl deficient diet will have methyl deficient children. In rats, the unhealthy rats were given a methyl rich diet and the offspring turned out healthy. The father's diet can also influence the child.

There are many epigenetic factors that influence behavior. 60% of genes differ between psychiatric patients and normal people. Child abuse is an environmental factor that that leaves a genetic mark on the brain, and in comparison of suicide victims, only abused people had tags on the GR gene.  Some drugs that treat mental illness change the gene expression. Drugs of abuse, such as cocaine can affect hundreds of genes at one time, and the effects can be written into the genetic code. 

People that committed suicide have higher methylation than normal. Children who were abused made up most of the suicide victims. The only differences between the suicide victims and normal people were found in the hippocampus of the brain. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DNA fingerprinting

Create a DNA Fingerprint ( )


1. DNA is unique for everyone. The only exception is if a person has what?
The only exception is if you have an identical twin, because then you would come from the same set of x and y chromosomes because they come from the same egg.

2. What are DNA fingerprints used for?
They are used for solving crime. They are also used for human identification of an unidentified person, and uncovering genetic diseases.

Part 1 “It Takes a Lickin”

3. What “crime” was committed?
They opened his lollipop and licked it. His prized possession was the lollypop, and the criminal licked away some of his lollipop.

4. What bodily fluid was removed from the “crime scene” to get DNA?
They took saliva to get DNA. Saliva contains cells that can be identified using DNA. Mouth cells shed a lot so there are many DNA strands to look at.

Part 2 “DNA Fingerprinting at the NOVA Lab”

5. What does a restriction enzyme do?
Resrtiction enzymes work like scissors, cutting molecules at different locations.

6. What is agarose gel?
Aragose gel us a thick, porous, jello like substance that acts as a mleular strainer. It allows smaller pieces of DNA to move through easily.

7. What is electrophoresis?
Electrophoresis is the process of moving molecules with an electric current. DNA fragments have a negative charge so they move to the tray's positive end. Because the gel acts like a strainer, the fragments are organized by size.

8. Smaller fragments of DNA move ____________ than longer strands?
More easily and farther.

9. Why do you need to place a nylon membrane over the gel?
You need to place a nylon membrane over the gel because the gel is hard to work with, so the DNA is transferred to the nylon membrane. It is sucked up into the membrane from the gel by an absorbent material placed over the membrane.

10. Probes attach themselves to __________
The DNA fragments on the nylon membranes.

11. Which chemical in your “virtual lab” is radioactive?
The probes are radioactive.

12. Sketch your DNA fingerprint.

13. Based on your DNA fingerprint, who licked the lollipop?
Honey licked the lollipop!!!!

Click on the Link “DNA Workshop” (if this link won't load, scroll down to the bottom where it says "try the non-java script version)
Once you’re there, go to the link “DNA Workshop Activity” and practice with DNA replication and protein synthesis.

Browse the DNA Workshop site.

14. What kinds of things could you do at the DNA workshop?
You could put DNA through the replication process or put protiens through synths. You could also just explore the cell further.

Find an Article about DNA

Go to

15. Read an article about genetics at this site that you might find interesting, or use the "Search" box in the upper right hand corner to search for DNA fingerprinting.

Title of Article: DNA Uncovers New, Rare Parrot Author and Date: The University of Adeleide
24 November 2010

Summarize what the article was about. Write this in a paragraph format.
This article is about a rare parrot that was found in Australia due to DNA. The endangered ground parrot is was found because of conservation genetics. The DNA allowed scientists to classify and determine the type of parrot and find out that it was endangered. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Mitosis Tutorial
On the left side of the screen is a navigation bar, click on the link to “MITOSIS” Read the text on this page and view the animation, you can slow down the video by clicking step by step through the phases. 

1. Which stage does the following occur
Chromatin condenses into chromosomes____Prophase_______________________________
Chromosomes align in center of cell._____Metaphase_____________________________
Longest part of the cell cycle._____Interphase_____________________________
Nuclear envelope breaks down.___Prometaphase____________________________
Cell is cleaved into two new daughter cells.___Anaphase________________________________
Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles.____Telophase______________________________

Watch the video carefully.

2. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the other.
--How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis? ______6__________

-- How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis? _______4___________

--The little green T shaped things on the cell are: _________Centrioles_____________

-- What happens to the centrioles during mitosis? ______They divide___________
3 . Identify the stages of these cells:
Metaphase                                               Cytokenisis                                                  Prophase

Another Mitosis Animation

Go to
View the animation and sketch the cell in:

The chromosomes organize and the centrioles move

 Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes

The nuclear envelope forms and the cells start to split

Onion Root Tip - Online Activity
Read the introduction, then click the “next” button.

You will have 36 cells to classify. When you’re finished, record your data in the chart below.
Number of cells201032136
Percent of cells
(calculate: number of cells divided by total cells x 100 )
55%28%8%6%3%100 %

Did you forget a calculator -- no problem. Go to and click on the “fractions” calculator. A window with a virtual calculator will open and you can do the math from there.

Mitosis in Whitefish & Onion Roots
For each organism, identify the stage of mitosis.
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
View 5
Whitefish  Cytokenisis  Metaphase  PrometaphaseAnaphase 
OnionAnaphase Prometaphase  Prophase Interphase Telephase